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Hi there, I'm building a website with your Easy Appointments plugin for a client that does not know how to…
Is it possible to integrate your functionalities into a website made in PHP?
Hi, I just downloaded the plugin and I added a location, service and connection. But I would like to change…
Hello, i experience an issue with syncing back from gmail calendar. The entry in gmail calneder id from 12-18 and…
Not sure why, but I am getting an "Invalid Email" error message. It was working before, but it is no…
Lets say I have 50 car parking spaces available to use on a daily basis, and I want to allow…
Hi, I have this error ------------ ERROR #18 ------------TYPE: MAILERRORS: {\"wp_mail_failed\":[\"Could not instantiate mail function.\"]}ERRORS_DATA: {\"wp_mail_failed\":{\"to\":[\"faisalhassan55as@gmail.com\"],\"subject\":\"Reservation 9\",\"message\":\"<p> <\\/p>\\n<p>Hi <strong><span id=\\\"custom-tags\\\">Faisal<\\/span><\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>Your Appointment is…
Hi, Amazing plug-in. The only one I found who makes exactly what I wanted... I have a dumb question, though...…
Hi, Amazing plug-in. The only one I found who makes exactly what I wanted... I have a dumb question, though...…
Hi I bouth this plugin (Easy Appointments Connect) but i can't use that and i had to buy another one…
Is it possible to preset the current WP-User data in to the contact fields ? I would like to offer…
Upon installation and activation of plugin doesnt seem to work, when I go into settings to configure plugin nothing shows…
I have a multisite installation on my website. Easy calendar is network installed, but set up for each subsite. The…
Hi Nicola, After we made appointments, the text message and email won't send to the client when the admin email…
I've installed the code on my page however the months are displaying in French, instead of English. How do I…