Thursday 23 February 2023
Due to high spam bot activity we had to add additional check for new threads. Now threads are by default in pending for review state and until approval they will not be visible to others beside admin and a thread creator.
Additional news is regarding forum registration that is blocked now. It will be only available via small payment that is going to be introduced soon or by purchasing Extension plugin which creates user account by default. One time fee for creating new account will be $9.99 .

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unable to delete connections

I can't delete any of my connections.Sort of new to working thru this app, so bear with me...When i hover…

1305 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 8 years ago

With the sms plugin do the workers and admins (multiple people) get notified by sms when an appointment is scheduled?

1373 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 8 years ago
Appointments only show after being booked twice.

Hello, i have just installed easy appointments, they only appear in the calendar after being booked twice. if i check…

1659 views5 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 8 years ago

Wordpress is recommending to hook WP-Cron Into the System Task Scheduler in the top of the extended plug in. Is…

1671 views3 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 8 years ago

Wordpress 4.7.4 PHP 7.0 Windows 10. Do I need to download JSON from Google Calendar. I just noticed this option…

1212 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 8 years ago
Add days off (closed) across multiple services/workers

It would be really nice if there would be an option to easily add days off/closed days per location. Our…

1605 views3 answers0 votes
PortMacOnline answered 8 years ago
compatability issues

It does not work on php 7.0 and wordpress version 4.7.4 so they can look into it.  Is there a…

1122 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 8 years ago
Easy Appointments 1.10.0

New version of Easy Appointments 1.10.0 : Added Bulk connection builder. Now it’s possible to create multiple connections with couple…

1358 views0 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar asked 8 years ago
Is It Possible To Show Currency Symbol In Front Of Amounts?

Hi guys, Just discovered your Easy Appointments plugin on Plugins Repository, and so far am loving it. One question, is…

1293 views2 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 8 years ago
Reservations number is not increasing one by one.

Wordpress 4.7.4 PHP : does not know plugin: extended 0.8

1244 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 8 years ago
Calendar Doesn't Display Unless Logged In

I set up a calendar and everything seemed to be working fine, but after adjusting a few settings, I found…

1900 views2 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 8 years ago
Help with Woocommerce integration

Hi, I'm setting up appointments for a paid service, and I think I have everything configured correctly, yet it isn't…

5156 views9 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 8 years ago

I am not sure which e-mail I should use for setting up the Google Calendar.  Do I need to ask…

1588 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 8 years ago
Location shortcode not working

I have two different sign-up widgets on this page: London is using shortcode: [ea_bootstrap width="1080px" scroll_off="true" layout_cols="2" location="3" service="1"] Monaco…

1710 views2 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 8 years ago
What customizations are available to edit CSS?

I had to turn off the customization css, and the form looks better, but before and after doing that, one…

1665 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 8 years ago

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