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Hello. There seems to be a conflict with the newest Event Tickets Plus. It's fatal and crashes the whole site.…
Hey, We offer multiple services and get pretty busy and which results in the calendar looking very bulky as everything…
https://easy-appointments.com/support/can-services-be-displayed-differnetly-to-make-a-busy-calender-easier-to-read/ Any updates???
Tengo 3 campos de apellido en el formulario, y no he podido borrar los dos restantes. Los he puesto "no…
Transaction ID: 09N91679C43803447 Email used dc27consulting@gmail.com
Hi, I've just setted up your plugin but i cannot see the booking calendar: https://wpapp.garavagliasoftware.it/appuntamenti/ Am i missin something?
Hello Nicola. I am having issues translating every part of the booking system to Deutsch. I have used the Loco…
Nikola, 1. I am getting 10 duplicates of the same confirmed appointment. How so I add that custom code to…
Bought the premium version but seems not to work – i have tried with all plugins deactivated except this and…
Hi, I have received the following error in the word press logs after I have activated EA 3.7.3 …
Hi, cant figure something out with 'block after' settings... I have 1 worker, 1 location, 2 services 30mins 30slot 45mins…
when sending an update for a new time to clients via easry appointments the ICal entry will not update. You…
Hi Nikola, I'm not getting my calendar in 2 columns. What can I do? Is there maybe something that I…
Hi Nikola. I am a massage therapist from Ljubljana, Slovenia this is my page www.marre.si. I built this page by…