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Hi, there is new version of EasyAppointments 3.2.1 with smaller improvements regarding WP versions before 5. Best regards, Nikola
Hi 🙂 there is a new version of EasyAppointments 3.1.4 with updated translation files. Best regards, Nikola
Hi, there is new version of EasyAppointments with fix for masked field issue. Please update if you are using new…
Hi 🙂 new version of EasyAppointments 3.1.2 is released with new custom form field type Masked input. Now you can…
Hi 🙂 new version of Extension is here 0.13.3 , now we prevent Payment on smart paypal button setup if…
Hi 🙂 new version of EasyAppointments is here 3.1.1 . There is new admin page for easy vacation setup. Now…
Hi 🙂 we are working on new admin screen regarding easy way of blocking days for all or for selected…
Hi, new version of EasyAppointments is here 3.0.15 🙂 we have added option to show only logged in user events…
Hi 🙂 there is a new version of EasyAppointments 3.0.14 with small bug fix regarding warning message for captcha. Best…
Hi, there has been bug with mixings of Location and Worker field in customers form in previous version. Please update…
Hi, there is a new version of EasyAppointments 3.0.12 with important security fixes so please update. Best regards, Nikola
Hi 🙂 there is a new version of Extension plugin 0.13.2 with fix for missing PayPal button that may occur…
Hi, atm there are some issues with missing PayPal buttons in combination with JS optimise plugins. For workaround make sure…
Hi 🙂 there is a new version of EasyAppointments 3.0.11 with some bug fixes like Notice PHP messages and time…
Hi 🙂 new version of EasyAppointments 3.0.10 is here with small improvements regarding Appointments page. Now you can navigate through…