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I have auto reservation turned on. However, when making a booking, although an email usually comes through within 10seconds- 10…
The system is not preventing double bookings, search for answers but all there is is to untick multiple work (which…
Hi, I want chang content and link to Terms and Conditions - checbox?How can I do this?I need a…
Hi 🙂 new version of EasyAppointments 3.5.6 is here with next things: Now when form is not valid it will…
Step #3 – Confirm that the Cron Job is running fine I do not understand what you mean by open…
I bought paypal plugin today but i haven\'t received an email with the link. I have a proof from paypal…
Hello. Please tell me about the possibility to add a description of the service for which the client wishes to…
I know that Easy Appointment (EA) supports to sync both calendar between EA's timetable and personal Google account's timetable. However…
Hi, what is the hook when the error appears when a required isn't filled? I want to scroll to the…
Hi, Deleting or changing an appointment on Google calendar doesn't delete/change appointments on EA? Is there future music for this feature?I've…
Hello, how do I change status of Google app to be in production? I need to do this so that…
Hello, I bought extension plugin but after deleting the free one and install the new one - the extension from…
Hello, I am getting an error related to twilio as \\\"undefined offset: 0\\\" in Type: PHP Notice Line: 196 File:......./public_html/wp-content/plugins/easy-appointments-connect/src/twilio_logic.php I…
Nikola, I was able to get the plugin to work!!! 🙂 My new issue is it keeps sending out confirmation…
I've tried to clear the cache as suggested, but on one of my calendars, the cache keeps showing twice.