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Hey Nikola. Turning off Multiple Work helped with second issue. Here is the site to help with the format…
Thank you for the wonderful plug-in. Can you tell me how to make the appointment detail visable in the FullCalendar?…
Ciao Nik! Vorrei capire se c'è la possibilità di togliere il colore bianco che ha il form prima dell'inserimento dei…
Hi 🙂 new version of EasyAppointments 3.5.4 is here. There is new option that allows you to set hard daily…
Hello, I seriously followed the video tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltZ2G6_T8cI&t=9s but at the very end, I can't find my google calendar…
Hi, We got the below error When we have tried to authorise the token for google calendar Got error 'PHP…
first of all, thanks for the plug in! But Lately I have noticed that some reservations disappear from the…
Hello, on https://www.permanences.adil24.org I use this shortcode to have a display like https://easy-appointments.com/responsive-single-column-rtl-layout/. I add 2 connections for 2 employees and…
Hi, Can this appointment plugin integrate with any Google map plugin so when I search location on Google map, I…
Hello, on https://www.permanences.adil24.org I use the shortcode [ea_bootstrap worker="1" location="1" service="1"] to have a display like https://easy-appointments.com/responsive-single-column-rtl-layout/. I add 2…
I can not register, so I can not login, I have no way to answer in this forum to author's …
My link is https://www.taxsym.com.ec How can I correct that when making the reservation from the cell phone the Booking Overview…
_email# gets added to the end of the confirmation email being texted by twilio. The email before _email# is correct.…
Is it possible to send the Notifcation to the customer in HTML? I dont see any option to style the…
Using updated plugin versions. Using production mode, not sandbox. Double checked ID and secret from paypal (it is live mode…