Thursday 23 February 2023
Due to high spam bot activity we had to add additional check for new threads. Now threads are by default in pending for review state and until approval they will not be visible to others beside admin and a thread creator.
Additional news is regarding forum registration that is blocked now. It will be only available via small payment that is going to be introduced soon or by purchasing Extension plugin which creates user account by default. One time fee for creating new account will be $9.99 .

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New reservations are disappearing

Hello everyone, I've been using and enjoying so much your application, however since last week some of my reservations are…

419 views0 answers0 votes
guilherme previati asked 4 years ago

I have 3 services. in services placeholder, i am getting (-). Instant of - i need to show first service.…

579 views0 answers0 votes
Teja asked 4 years ago
Access to the dates only in the future

Good day, I would like to restrict the booking to the interested parties with a lead time of 4 weeks.…

767 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
subtract a slot

EA subtract a slot when RESERVE, I prefer to do it only when CONFIRM, it's possible?

558 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
Payment Google calendar Extension

Hello Nikola, If I buy the Extention "$39 one Year of updates", after the second year, will the extension continue…

905 views3 answers0 votes
ivan_argulo_rodriguez answered 4 years ago
Displaying just AM or PM instead of displaying time

Hi! I was looking to modify this plugin to display just AM and PM buttons when the day is selected.…

598 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
Works with webunits ?

Hi there,   Id like to use this app to make a online booker but i am unsure if it…

532 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago

Hi Nikola How do I find the correct document to edit to change "Price" to "Deposit" in EA?

596 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
Google calendar not syncing back with EA

If I add a new entry in Google Calendar (that has no relation with the services I have in my…

742 views4 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
How to disable multiple slots for one worker

Hi there, I have made sure to uncheck the multiple work option from the EA appointments settings but the system…

773 views3 answers1 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
Calendar not disabled on page load

I have a calendar set up with two services the user can choose.  When page loads (using bootstrap 2-col) the…

541 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
Block time doesn't work

Hi,  Hi, First of all, I want to congratulate you for such a great plugin!I'm trying to avoid last-minute reservations…

703 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
add the appointments to my homepage

Hi, Can someone help me out how i can add the calender appointments to my page? i don't see where…

585 views1 answers0 votes
intecontrol answered 4 years ago
FullCalendar view "Undefined event"

In FullCalendar Shortcode, "full public access" and "show event content in popup" are checked. But when an event clicked, it…

663 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago

Hello I have 6 connections and locations setup, yet only 4 of them are showing on the booking form.…

645 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago

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