PayPal Login box closes instantly ( It already shows the price)

SupportPayPal Login box closes instantly ( It already shows the price)
Rubén Martínez Dehesa asked 6 years ago

Yesterday I sent a private question asking for help with paypal.

This was his answer:

"You must show the price inside Settings. I have tried Sandbox version and PayPal returned authorization error but for Production it will require to set price to be visible in EA Settings > Customize page."

After making the price visible in
EA Settings Customize page. I tried again without positive results.

Nikola can you help me?
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Ruben, I will take a look right now. Best regards, Nikola
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
This is error when I try Sandbox version: {"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"Client Authentication failed"} But for production it is working fine :) I have leave the production mode. Best regards, Nikola