Paypal payment process but appointment not updated
We've used your plug-in with the paypal payment connect to process 100 appointment, a few of them 7 or 8 didn't complete correctly.
The paypal payment is required, and the appointment is automatically confirmed as soon as the payment is completed.
It seem that the mail could not the registered, how could that be possible? Because the mail field is required in the form. There might be problems with cache plug-in?
------------ ERROR #10 ------------
ERRORS: {"wp_mail_failed":["You must provide at least one recipient email address."]}
ERRORS_DATA: {"wp_mail_failed":{"to":[""],"subject":"Prenotazione \"Escape room - Vascello fantasma\" per The family","message":"<p>Buongiorno *****,<br \/>la prenotazione per l'escape \"<small>Vascello fantasma<\/small>\" alle <small>22:45<\/small> del <small>10\/08\/2019<\/small> \u00e8 stata confermata!<\/p>\n<p>Vi baster\u00e0 presentarvi all'escape room qualche minuto prima delle <small>22:45<\/small>.<br \/><br \/>Grazie mille<br \/>Ci vediamo in piazza!<\/p>\n<p>Jo\u00ebl<\/p>\n<p>staff di giocAosta<\/p>","headers":[],"attachments":[],"phpmailer_exception_code":2}}
---------- ERROR #10 END ---------- I can attach more error if you need them Thanks for you help Joël PS: how could we force the UI of error report to update? Magically the error report appeared only weeks later than the error it self
ERRORS: {"wp_mail_failed":["You must provide at least one recipient email address."]}
ERRORS_DATA: {"wp_mail_failed":{"to":[""],"subject":"Prenotazione \"Escape room - Vascello fantasma\" per The family","message":"<p>Buongiorno *****,<br \/>la prenotazione per l'escape \"<small>Vascello fantasma<\/small>\" alle <small>22:45<\/small> del <small>10\/08\/2019<\/small> \u00e8 stata confermata!<\/p>\n<p>Vi baster\u00e0 presentarvi all'escape room qualche minuto prima delle <small>22:45<\/small>.<br \/><br \/>Grazie mille<br \/>Ci vediamo in piazza!<\/p>\n<p>Jo\u00ebl<\/p>\n<p>staff di giocAosta<\/p>","headers":[],"attachments":[],"phpmailer_exception_code":2}}
---------- ERROR #10 END ---------- I can attach more error if you need them Thanks for you help Joël PS: how could we force the UI of error report to update? Magically the error report appeared only weeks later than the error it self
3 Answers
One additional note: when the plug-in couldn't send the receipt mail, the status of appointment itself was not updated.
This was the real problem, because people payed for an appointment that was confirmed automatically, and in some case the appointment was freed and bought by another person
Hi Nicole,
sound's like a big issue. Can you please check the email address for those that didn't work out. From your log it is looking like TO field was empty:
...“wp_mail_failed”:{“to”:[“”],”subject”...Best regards, Nikola
The mail for the appointment that didn't work was empty in the content created in the database.
But the mail is a mandatory field, so the user shouldn’t be able to submit an appointment without. I can’t understand why it wasn’t saved
But the mail is a mandatory field, so the user shouldn’t be able to submit an appointment without. I can’t understand why it wasn’t saved
Hi Nicole sounds like some weird case. I will have to test it locally to see if that can be reproduced.
Best regards,
Thank you very much for your help.
Let me knwo if you need additional information or test
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