Personal Information form only works for logged-in users

SupportPersonal Information form only works for logged-in users
tdentremont Staff asked 6 years ago
I have been trying to get this working for some time now. If I'm logged in to WordPress, the calendar and Personal Information form work flawlessly. If I go to an incognito window on the same page (not logged-in), I can select a date and time, but the form remains greyed-out (not accessible), so a regular user cannot enter Personal Information or submit the booking request. This seems to be the exact opposite to this forum submission: Could this be an ajax issue? I have installed the plugin on my localhost version of the website, with the same theme and other plugins active, and I have no issues at all on localhost. I do like this plugin, and would like to use it, but if users cannot book appointments, I cannot use the plugin. Thanks.
tdentremont Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi there, just wondering if there’s any insight into this issue? Thanks.

lwaldron Staff replied 5 years ago

Deselect the auto reservation setting. It worked for me.