Plugin breaks after site migration and wont install Properly on iPage

SupportPlugin breaks after site migration and wont install Properly on iPage
James asked 8 years ago
Hi, I have my been developing my site locally with wamp.  The Easy Appointments plugin has worked great, but when I moved it from my localhost to my domain on ipage a via all-in-one wordpress migrator  it didn't transfer  properly.  Every aspect of  my site has transferred perfectly except Easy Appointments.   Easy Appointments appears in my dashboard but when I select it to go to the settings or appointments or  reports it  is completely blank.  Also the page  which the  calender is embedded on in the site is also blank.  I have tried multiple site  transfers, wiping the database and reinstalling the site.  Also deleting and  reinstalling the Easy  appointments plugin.  Even tried completely wiping everything  and installing a plain standard wordpress and downloading the plugin on the default site, and even that shows up blank. I don't  understand what  is different between my localhost  wampserver and my ipage domain.  Any ideas as to what I  can do to get easy appointments running on my site?
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago
Hi James, looks like there is some kind of collision with things on your site. It should be working on both places the same. You will just need to copy table content from wamp to real site. If you want you can create a temp account for me to take a look. You can send it to nikolanbg[at]gmail[dot]com. Best regards, Nikola