Pre-sale question

SupportPre-sale question
zein asked 6 years ago
Hi Nicolas, great plugin thank you! I'm considering to buy the extension to use it with google calendar but I want to make sure that it will meet the following requirements first: 1- google calendar syncing is two way, so when taking offline orders ( via phone or in the salon) the slot will become unavailable for online booking. 2- payment should be made at the salon, we don’t accept online payment. yet when the customer books online it will be confirmed immediately. 3- the same service could be provided buy two or more coworkers and could be reserved at the same time by different clients. 4- each worker will receive an email when he gets new booking, also it will be synced to his google calendar 5- We have a general google calendar for the salon manager where he can see all the bookings, and personal google calendar for the workers to see their own booking... this could be integrated with EA too?