promo codes

Supportpromo codes
klaus_arends Staff asked 6 years ago
Hi, as i´m offering from time free promotions. For that i´m offering free appointments. 
For a prpmotion i have set up a additional Service.
While the promotion 
Example drop down menu:
Service 1 (free Service) 
Service 2 paid service

Both options are available during the promotion. In order to avoid that the client selects the free option without authorization, the customer should enter a code. This would require a field for the promo code. Is such a thing possible?   Best regards   Klaus  
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Klaus, it's not possible ATM. There are no coupons right now. You can only have separate pages for both. So on one page there will be available Service 2 (paid) and on another Service 1 (free). Depending if user is logged in you can redirect to page 1 or 2. Best regards, Nikola