Redirect with variable in URL

SupportRedirect with variable in URL
cb29kqp Staff asked 1 year ago
Hi Nikola, I have different services and need different questionnaires with them. I wonder if there is a way to create a redirect URL in Easy Appointment like the following: Such a URL would pre-populate the form on the above page and the visitor does not need to enter data twice. I already tried this in Settings as a redirect for a specific service: But that does not forward the variables. Is there any file I need to modify? Thanks for your help. Regards,
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 1 year ago

Hi, its already capable for such thing. For example if you have field called email (slug value):

After selecting time it will put that value inside email field :)

Best regards,

cb29kqp Staff replied 1 year ago

This is not what I’m asking. If a visitor selects a time, fills name and email and submits the appointment form it should take the aforementioned variables into the URL to forward them to a different app, which provides a more detailed questionnaire.
I’m not looking to pre-populate EA form fields. EA form fields must be added to the URL to pre-populate a different form from a different app. That’s what I’m looking for, as EA does not provide different forms for different services.
Hope this clarifies my request. I assume from your answer that EA does not have this ability. Am I correct?

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 1 year ago
Hi atm you have option to redirect to different url after booking but you can't have that dynamic part with params. Only as static url at this point. That needs to be implemented for booking params.   Best regards, Nikola
cb29kqp Staff replied 1 year ago

That’s too bad. I check for a different solution than.

jose_maria_hernandez_garcia Staff answered 1 year ago
Hello Nikola! The first, congratulations for this plugin, work very well. For me, the only thing that I miss is the same than cb29kqp

We want to redirect the customer to a page with dynamic vars: ...

It would be great to have this feature.

Thanks in advance!