Redirection to the checout doesn't work – Woo

SupportRedirection to the checout doesn't work – Woo
Andrea Hugyak asked 5 years ago
Hi, The redirections setup are completed, but the system doesn't folow the redirections. I checked again your video and our system stop the process after the send button with "Done" message on the booking calendar page.
Thank you!
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi Andrea, can you please try bootstrap version of shortcode instead of standard? Best regards, Nikola
mcnow Staff replied 5 years ago

Having same product its like WooCommerce not connected. It has worked before but now not working

mcnow Staff answered 5 years ago
Having the same issue it redirects but no product in cart. 
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi, can you please tell me version of WooCommerce installed on your site?

Best regards,

mcnow Staff replied 5 years ago

The latest version 4.4.1

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi Andrea, I have test locally and product is added to chart. Can you please tell me do you get any other info like this product cant be purchased or similar?   Best regards, Nikola