Removed "no-slots" class in versión 3.0.0

SupportRemoved "no-slots" class in versión 3.0.0
Alex asked 5 years ago
Hello, I have observed that in version 3.0.0 the class "no-slots" no longer appears, I used it to deactivate the click on days that did not have schedules. You can add that class again on days without any time slot. Thank you very much. <td class="2020-07-30 no-slots" data-handler="selectDay" data-event="click" data-month="6" data-year="2020"><a class="ui-state-default" href="#">30</a></td>
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi Alex, can you please share the link to that page? I have checked on sites demo and there is no-slots class with latest version. Best regards, Nikola