Reservation table not loading

SupportReservation table not loading
petra_de_jong Staff asked 7 years ago
Hi Nikola, At this moment the page "reservations" is not loading the table, so it is not possible to see the appointments that have been made.   Petra
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Petra, Appointments page are not loading? Is there any error inside browser console? Best regards, Nikola
petra_de_jong Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi, the page is loading, just not the table.
NO difference if I choose next week or next month in the quicktime view or adapt the period manually.

I don’t find any errors in the Google API dahboard (in last 14days), if this is the browser console error you mean…..

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Petra, can you please create a temp access account for me to check what is going on in the background.

Best regards,

mrdoubleyou Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Petra, Could it be that you've not selected the correct date range for the appointments? I had this problem to, until I found out that that, by default, the page initially shows only the reservations of the current week. I found this very frustrating, because when it's a sunday, the last day of the week, I want to see the appointments for the next week. But nothing was shown, because it showed the appointments for the last week. Nikalo, can you please consider changing the default period to for example the current month/week and next month/week or just show all reservations and add an easier way of selecting the date range? Thanks.      
mrdoubleyou Staff replied 7 years ago

I just found the Quick time filter.In my frustration I just missed it.
However, the Quick time filter also isn’t useful when it’s the last day of the month.

petra_de_jong Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi, I’ve been using easy appointments for quite some time now and never had any issues with the table……. You can also manually change the period if you need too!

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi, I will improve filtering adding more options to quick time filter dropdown.

Best regards,

mrdoubleyou Staff replied 7 years ago

Thanks 🙂