Restrict single service per slot per worker

SupportRestrict single service per slot per worker
Fakhzan asked 7 years ago
Hi,  How can I set a restriction on single service per slot per worker? For e.g: A care provider has 3 different services (A, B, C) and a single worker. Obviously this single worker can only give either one of the services at any given time. How can I make the setup for this scenario?
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, you will have to leave empty option called Multiple work inside EasyAppointments > Settings > Customize page. Best regards, Nikola
Rufus Duffin Staff replied 5 years ago

This is just what I was looking for! I had a worker available for multiple bookings at a single time. All sorted now – thanks again.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 5 years ago

you’re welcome 🙂 I will close this thread then

Best regards,