Send email to user not working
I keep getting this error in the error log:
———— ERROR #12 ————
ERRORS: {“wp_mail_failed”:[“Message body empty”]}
ERRORS_DATA: {“wp_mail_failed”:{“to”:[“”],”subject”:”Appointment”,”message”:””,”headers”:[],”attachments”:[],”phpmailer_exception_code”:2}}
———- ERROR #12 END ———- All of my settings look correct. 1. Send from Email
2. Send email user is enabled
3. Testing email goes through
4. SMTP test is working
5. E-mail label in custom form is labeled correctly Any thoughts as to why this isn’t working? Thanks in advance for your help. The page I need help with:
ERRORS: {“wp_mail_failed”:[“Message body empty”]}
ERRORS_DATA: {“wp_mail_failed”:{“to”:[“”],”subject”:”Appointment”,”message”:””,”headers”:[],”attachments”:[],”phpmailer_exception_code”:2}}
———- ERROR #12 END ———- All of my settings look correct. 1. Send from Email
2. Send email user is enabled
3. Testing email goes through
4. SMTP test is working
5. E-mail label in custom form is labeled correctly Any thoughts as to why this isn’t working? Thanks in advance for your help. The page I need help with:
I figured this out. There are two parts to this.
1. Selecting “Default status” under Customize > General
2. Ensuring either pending or confirmation email notifications have content based on your “default status” selection. Customize > Mail Notifications
I had content in pending, but my default status was set to confirmed. Since the confirmed email was blank, this is why I was get the error “message body empty”.