Service field disappears when I select a timeslot, causing errors.

SupportService field disappears when I select a timeslot, causing errors.
hema asked 2 years ago
Hello, I am using EasyAppointments for the first time and am encountering an issue. Whenever I select a timeslot after picking service and worker, the service field disappears (becomes blank). I can still continue on with the form as normal, but attempting to send it results in a slot is taken error message (by opening console, I see that it was a 400 BAD REQUEST)

It was working fine beforehand, but for some reason this issue started appearing and I am unsure of how to fix it. Furthermore, I am no longer able to see any appointments in the appointments table, which may or may not be related. 
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 2 years ago
Hi Hema, can you please share the link to page with a form? Best regards, Nikola