Settings Mail values via JS

SupportSettings Mail values via JS
Chandra asked 6 years ago
Hi Nikola, I am trying to set some mail content via jQuery. Interestingly, some work like ea_settings['submit.redirect'] = ''; // or give any value but when I try  ea_settings['mail.pending'] = 'so and so'; It doesn't work. I do see an array when I view source and some settings are affected by JS and some aren't like this. Is there a way we can do this? I also check the filters but not sure how we can set it via filters depending upon what particular field is input.   Any guidance would be awesome.   Thanks,
maharzan Staff replied 6 years ago

I see these on the source, if overwriting it doesn’t work, I am wondering what is it used for…

var ea_settings = {“mail.pending”:”pending”,”mail.canceled”:”canceled”,”mail.confirmed”:”confirmed”,”mail.admin”:””….

It would be great to overwrite this or have add_filter overwrite it with some logic. I am using different conditions in the form and sending a slightly different email depending on that form input.


Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Chandra, there is already filter for mail content.

Best regards,

maharzan Staff replied 6 years ago

I saw that Nikola, I wanted to grab a field setting from ea_fields table and depending on that, I want to change the content of email. I am not sure how to do that.. something like doing get_post(id) for ea_fields. How are you doing that in the plugin?

1 Answers
maharzan Staff answered 6 years ago
I found this function get_fields_for_apps($id) that might do what I am looking for but how do I access this function? Trying  $cla = new EADBModels();
$getdata = $cla->get_fields_for_apps(136); gets me missing arguments errors. 
maharzan Staff replied 6 years ago

I think I found a solution. I directly ran the SQL query..

$wpdb->get_results( “SELECT value FROM wp_ea_fields where app_id=”. $app->id .” AND field_id=22″ );

If there is a better solution, I would be very happy to know.


Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Check constructor new EADBModels(); , you are missing params there. You can also access that via plugin global object.

Best regards,