Shortcode display appointments

SupportShortcode display appointments
Craig McKee asked 6 years ago
Is there any shortcode to display a list of appointments or a calendar?  
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Craig, there is on such short code ATM. You want to have just an overview or to have capability to alter appointments as well? Best regards, Nikola
CraigMcKee Staff replied 6 years ago

I’d just like to be able to view the appointments without having to go into the Admin control panel so if I could display them on a page I could just not put that page in the menu and book mark it on my phone if that makes sense.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Craig, there is no such option atm but if get Extension plugin you can get all appointments in own Google Calendar. Same for all employees, each can have own appointments in GCal as well.

Best regards,
Nikola Staff replied 6 years ago

I also need a shortcode to allow a a person which will be the Admin for appointments to view all of them but without giving him permission of modify other plugins or content page etc