Shortcode issue [ea_bootstrap service="2"] says : Settings validation

SupportShortcode issue [ea_bootstrap service="2"] says : Settings validation
radu_adrian_octavian Staff asked 4 years ago

Hi there,
I think there it's a bug in the plugin core since if i place the example shortcode from the documentation works.

[[ea_bootstrap worker="1" location="1" service="1"]]

If i change the service ID to 2 for example or any number it doesn't work, i use only single shortcode on a page

[[ea_bootstrap worker="1" location="1" service="2"]]

It says :

East Appointments - Settings validation:
You need to define at least one location.
You need to define at least one worker.
There should be at least one Connection.
The service with ID 2,3,4 exists, worker exists, and also location exists.
Here are some screenshots with adnotations
Please let me know as soon as possible, if there it's a issue i want to know to inform my client about a delay.

radu_adrian_octavian Staff replied 4 years ago

IT seems that the shortcode example content was not shown and somehow removed or filtered.

Here’s plain text of the ticket with the example shortcodes in it, also they can be see on the screenshots.

2 Answers
radu_adrian_octavian Staff answered 4 years ago
I figured out, there was no connection between those services under wp-admin -> Easy Appointments -> Connections. Sorry for bothering you
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Radu, I was about to say that. You need active connection in that case :) Best regards, Nikola
radu_adrian_octavian Staff replied 4 years ago

Tank you for the prompt response Nikola!
Have a nice weekend