Show only one location on one page

SupportShow only one location on one page
always4dude Staff asked 3 years ago
Hi, I have multiple locations with one worker/employee and one service throughout setup on my website with Easy Appointments plugin. Here is my issue: I have setup a different page for different location so user knows what are they booking and when user selects a particular date on any location, they see the same time slot is booked for all locations even though the time is not booked for that location. This is what my shortcode looks like : [ea_bootstrap width="800px" scroll_off="true" layout_cols="2"  location="11" save_form_content="0" max_date="+6m"] The only different in different location is the bold value for location id on that particular page. Let me know how to fix this. Thank you.
always4dude Staff replied 3 years ago

[ea_bootstrap width="800px" scroll_off="true" layout_cols="2"  location="11" save_form_content="0" max_date="+6m"]

always4dude Staff replied 3 years ago

Somehow the shortcode did not appear on the original message so I just put it here.

always4dude Staff replied 3 years ago

Looks like if book on one location, all other locations shows that time slot is booked. It should show booked for the location that user booked for and all other locations should be open so other users can book. Please advise.

always4dude Staff replied 3 years ago

Let me add one more thing based on my analysis is that seems like it happens due to “Number of Slots” per connection. I have configured a connection for MON-FRI for one location from 8am – 12pm with 15 mins of slot time and 1 slot. I am understanding that there will 1 slot is available to book for every 15 mins per location per weekday. Let me know if my understanding is different and help me understand how to fix this. Do I have to create a different connection for every 15 mins for every day for every location?

always4dude Staff replied 3 years ago

Here is my environment details :

WordPress Version : 5.8.2
PHP Version : 7.1.33
Easy Appointments Plugin Version : 3.5.9

1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi, free slots are calculated per Worker. So if same worker is on different locations then booking on one location will make all other locations unavailable. Best regards, Nikola