Shows "Can't Be Canceled"–And Cancels Anyway
The WordPress TZ is correct, but it is pretty clear to me that the server timezone for PHP is different. I can’t say what it is because we have a managed account and don’t have access to that info. The server TZ should be changed on Monday, and I will post if that doesn’t fix our issue.
For whatever reason, changing the PHP timezone didn’t help. At any rate, the code is making a poor assumption about time zone settings, and can easily be fixed. In mail.php, line 251, if you add an explicit time zone, the problem goes away:
if (new DateTime(‘now’, wp_timezone()) > new DateTime($app_data[‘date’] . ‘ ‘ . $app_data[‘start’], wp_timezone())) {
BTW, your get_wp_timezone() function in the same file looks to just mimic the bult-in WP function, and it will probably be better going forward to simply call the built in function instead.
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To be clear, on iOS you don’t have to purge cookies–it simply fails every time regardless.