Slot step

SupportCategory: QuestionsSlot step
francesca_muzio Staff asked 1 month ago
hi nikola i have a question about slot step, i have different lessons in different time, and them are not repetible during the day, so for exsaple on monday i have 1 lesson of hatha yoga that last 60 minute, i set start at 17:00 and end at 18:00, and i don't need to have a slot step since that will be the only hatha yoga lesson of the day, so usaully i set the slot step at same duration of the service, but will be possible to have that option to be deactivated is not need? thnaks you
3 Answers
Easy Appointment Staff answered 1 month ago
Hi, Can you please share reference to the option you want to keep disable? We will look into it and check if possibly we can do that. Thanks.
francesca_muzio Staff replied 1 month ago

In the service menu it would be useful to have the possibility of having an on-off button for the “slot step” setting in addition to being able to select the time to set.
this is to avoid having unwanted repetitions of the service if you are configuring a service that occurs only 1 time during the day at a specific time.

Easy Appointment Staff answered 1 month ago
Hi,  Can you please share the screenshot of the setup you've made?  Waiting for your response :)
francesca_muzio Staff answered 1 month ago

screen shoot

Easy Appointment Staff replied 1 month ago

The image is not visible, you can also share it on with some description of the issue; we will help you from there.
