Slots show as taken if you click on them, even if you do not complete the form

SupportSlots show as taken if you click on them, even if you do not complete the form
dantelabridal Staff asked 7 years ago
Hi,   If someone clicks on a slot, changes their mind, clicks on another slot, never books the first one.  The first slot is shown as taken, cannot be booked by someone else.  How do I fix that?
dantelabridal Staff replied 7 years ago

I think it ‘thinks’ it’s a reservation. But I have no use for reservations. I want only people who fill out the form and click send to be able to reserve anything. Thanks, dantealbridal

dantelabridal Staff replied 7 years ago

Never mind. I figured it out.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

ok no problem, main thing it is working now 🙂

Best regards,