Some reservations enter pending while others confirmed

SupportSome reservations enter pending while others confirmed
kiril_panayotov Staff asked 1 year ago
Hi Nikola, I have issue. Some reservations enter pending, while others enter as confirmed. The default status is set as pending. Any suggestions
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 1 year ago
Hi Kiril, can you please check EA Settings and see if there are two step mail action option checked? Looks like some events are auto confirmed. That can be a case when email server opens links from it. Best regards, Nikola
kiril_panayotov Staff answered 1 year ago
It wasn't checked, but I checked it now.
Now I am facing a new challenge related to changing the status after checkout. In woocommerce I have two payment options, the first is by card and the second is cash on the spot. Is there a possibility that the cash payment will not automatically change the status to confirmed.