something really going on with the time zone! appointments enter at 1 hour before the real appointment time

Supportsomething really going on with the time zone! appointments enter at 1 hour before the real appointment time
yves asked 3 years ago
something really going on with the time zone! appointments enter at 1 hour before the real appointment time ie client books from 1500-1600, on website it is entered from 1400-1500. This is really very annoying and needs urgent attention. (EA connects to my google calendar, it is correctly added to google calendar and also in AE appointments overview but when clients try to book, the booking calendar is not correct (1 hour earlier))   kind regards, Yves
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi Yves, I didn't receive response from my previous email? Best regards, Nikola
Jonas Paul Staff answered 3 years ago
I'm having the same issue, but with and hour in advanced. Booked for 15h by the client appears with the back-office 16h, even that the client receive 15h by email. 
So by advancing one hour on the previous booking, the next slot became unavailable for the next client.
Please can you help with the situation? thanlos.
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 3 years ago

Hi, is that for Google Calendar event time? In that case please check timezone setting inside General WP settings page. Should be named timezone instead of UTC +/- offset.

Best regards,