Start availability next day and display hours depending on timezone

SupportStart availability next day and display hours depending on timezone
Joe asked 6 years ago
So I tried to summarize it in the title.  I am having trouble with my appointments because, first, the calendar shows availability starting the same day the appointment is being made.  Since I get appointments from many timezones (London to Sydney and anything in between) this is a real problem, because people book to soon or when it is impossible for me to fulfill the appointment.  Not that anything is bad with this plugin, I LOVE IT! So far it has helped me a lot, but I would love to know how to do this change: To show my availability starting the next day so I have enough time to fulfill the appointment.  And also, I need to show only certain available hours to people depending on their timezone. For example: 3:00PM to 8:00PM-only for people in the UK, so that they book me at times I am actually available or 8:00AM to 12:00PM-only for people in Australia.  And also adjust according to current timezones within Canada and the US.  I believe this is not very difficult because Geolocation can be the variable that defines this but I have no idea how to do this.  Could somebody implement this into the code of the Easy Appointments plugin? It would help me tremendously!  I have also thought of other appointment plugins but they are not free, they go from 30 to 60 dollars and I would rather pay you guys for this customization. 
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Joe, adding the time zone at this moment will require a lot of work. I am not sure that some small amount (donation) will speed up this in that direction. It's all filed in requirements list and it will be part of EA at some point. Best regards, Nikola