Sync multiple services to ONE Google Calendar

SupportSync multiple services to ONE Google Calendar
Hernan asked 7 years ago
Hi, My setup is as follows: Worker: Attorney (just one)
Services: #1 Consultation in office
                #2 Consultation over the phone
GCal: Primary I have Service #1 as default and I have linked the Primary Gcal to both Services #1 and #2. My Issue is that when I schedule an appointment for Service #1 the time slot gets synced with Gcal but that slot doesn't get synced with Service #2 so a customer would still be able to select the same time slot if they selected Service #2. 
I was under the assumption that since the appointment for Service #1 was already added as an event en GCal that it would trigger a back-sync to Service #2 and block that time slot since Service #2 is linked to the same GCal.
Do you have any suggestions to fix this issue?

1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Hernan, are both services connected with same Worker? If that is the case you will have to check settings (EA Settings > Customize page) for option called Multiple work it should not be checked. Then save it and try again. Default service is used when you create new event inside your GC and sync pulled that new appointment into EA then it must have selected service. If you want to import both #1 and #2 then it is best to have separate calendars on google and have it mapped inside Advance sync options in EA. Best regards, Nikola