tax not calculating at checkout page

Supporttax not calculating at checkout page
Harman Staff asked 4 years ago
Tax is not getting calculated on the checkout page, All settings in Woocommerce have been applied.
7 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi Harman, EA is only adding that service to Woo cart. It is not calculating any taxes. It is all up to WooCommerce. Best regards, Nikola
Harman Staff answered 3 years ago
Woocommerce is calculating taxes on its cart page but not on EA page, do I need to setup payment method in woocommerce too???
Harman Staff answered 3 years ago
I tested everything now, actually, price values that are getting passed to Paypal are the values that are inputted in services in EA. I tried changing values in woo-commerce products and that is not changing anything. While If I just test the woo-commerce functionality by using cart page/ checkout page woo-commerce is calculating taxes and passing the values from woo-commerce product data.  Please let me know if you have any other questions, and I can also provide screenshots of all the settings.   Thank you.
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi Harman, can you please tell have you turn off PayPal checkout from EasyAppointments Extension setup? You can't combine PayPal from EA and one from WooCommerce. Best regards, Nikola
Harman Staff answered 3 years ago
Paypal is on in EA and turned off in woocommerce, please find screenshots below from EA and woocommerce.

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi Harman, if you use EA PayPal integration then it will ignore Woo price and settings. You will need to turn off EA PayPal and rely on Woo checkout. Best regards, Nikola
Harman Staff answered 3 years ago
I just updated our service prices ti include taxes when doing checkout through EA paypal.