The default status is pending but sometimes automatically appointments get canceled

SupportThe default status is pending but sometimes automatically appointments get canceled
Usman Malik Staff asked 4 years ago
The default status is pending but sometimes automatically appointments get canceled. Kindly guide me to resolve this issue. Hopefully, you'll have the list of scenarios where automatically appointments get canceled. Kindly send me that list also. I'll be grateful to you, Thanks.       
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Usman, can you please check if you are not using Two step mail actions. That options should be turned on. Best regards, Nikola
Usman Malik Staff answered 4 years ago
Thanks for your reply, When I turned on two-step mail action, no email is sent and received. I think it happened because I am using SMTP for emails. One more thing I want to tell you there is no cancellation or confirmation link in my email templates. Kindly guide me to resolve this issue. Thanks
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Usman, two step mail action links should not do any changes to mail function. It's only when someone click on the link from email that there is a additional confirm prompt step. Best regards, Nikola