Tour operator with only one time slot per day and other feature needed.

SupportTour operator with only one time slot per day and other feature needed.
mlooss Staff asked 6 years ago
We are operating one daily tour and I have not been able to configure Easy Appointment with the following settings:
  1. One booking time slot from 11:00 to 1:00 PM per day only. I do not want to show other time slots.
  2. Tour operates normally Monday to Saturday. (there is a setting for this already)
  3. Need to be able to block days or even a range of days.
  4. Customer should be able to enter the number of members in their group and be able to select from two price options.
  5. The maximum number of guest per tour is 30.
  6. Option to cancel with x numbers of days before the booked tour.
It doesn't look like Easy Appointment can handle this specific setup? Thanks in advance.  
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi, regarding questions: 1. You can have slot from 11-1PM, you can set that. That is option From-To inside connection. 2. Connection can work by day of week. 3. There is no option to book several days at once. You can only book one Appointment at time. 4. Price value is based on selected service. You can have two services. 5. If you want more then one slot you need to multiply connections. In you case 30 times. :( 6. Customer can cancel booking via link from booking email. Best regards, Nikola
mlooss Staff answered 6 years ago
Thanks for your quick response.
  1. I figured out how to show only one timeslot - SOLVED
  2. I did have that already configured - SOLVED
  3. I may not have been clear here, as the tour operator, I need the option to disable days were a tour is not available - there does not appear to be an easy option, except creating or editing additional connections with different date ranges, but that seems is a very time consuming process.
  4. Again, I may not have been clear. Lets say a family books a tour, 2 adults and 3 children they each have a different cost, all in one booking. How, if at all can this be done in Easy Appointment? 
  5. I realize this later. - SOLVED
Best regards,
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi, regarding: 3. there is no other way. We are planning to add page called Vacation so there you can register Workers that are not working atm. 4. There is no such option atm. If you want to invest some money in that it could be done soon. Best regards, Nikola