Translation question

SupportTranslation question
saimohan Staff asked 6 years ago
- Confirm appointment - Cancel appointment Within the confirmation email. Thanks Mo
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi it should be part of translation file. Can you please check languages folder and pot file if there is those words? Best regards, Nikola
saimohan Staff replied 6 years ago


I did check and translate it the strings. it works fine now! Do you want my files for the translation?

Fantastic plugin. Will buy it today 🙂

saimohan Staff replied 6 years ago


How to translate the months from English to French on the form please? When I select a date the months are not in French:

Date et horaire : > 9 July 2018 12:00

Best regards,


saimohan Staff replied 6 years ago

maella_caro is my wife for info. I do the job for her for her website.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi, that is part of frontend. Have you tried to set datetime format to be only with numbers? You can try to set it inside WP General settings.

Best regards,