Translation via po/mo files

SupportTranslation via po/mo files
leifballfreunde Staff asked 4 years ago
Hi Nikola,

the translation of the custom fields via po/mo files worked perfectly, but is it also possible to translate months, days and the strings in the appointment summary (see attached files)?
The same method I used before does not seem to work for those strings.

Thanks a lot for your help!
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, can you please tell me do you have multiple languages on your site or just one? Best regards, Nikola
leifballfreunde Staff replied 4 years ago

Good morning Nikola,

we do have multiple languages due to the plug-in ‘weglot’. The plug-in does not really work in respect of translating the Easy Appointment Plug-In though.
This is why I have chosen the way of using the po/mo files. I have wrote a little PHP-snippet which turns the general language setting of the website to the language I choose. Therefore it uses the correct Mo file, but as you can the on the picture: most of the labels can be translated but some of them just can’t with the same method.

Best regards

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Leif, sorry for waiting. Some values are not under translation. Such as Selected service/location/worker . If you want to alter that then it will require some modification for current code? Best regards, Nikola
leifballfreunde Staff replied 4 years ago

Hey Nikola,
well, in my humble opinion it only makes sense to be able to translate everything of the form!
If I would like to translate my form I want my customers being able to understand everything and not only certain words and strings. Do you disagree?
Best regards