Unable to Delete Connections – Error

SupportUnable to Delete Connections – Error
jennifer suits asked 7 years ago
Connections won't delete. After clicking delete, nothing happens and the connection is still there. There is also just the word "error" in the upper right hand just above the table of connections. I see this error in the developer/network tools:
ERROR - http://www.theartbeacon.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=ea_connection&id=2 Activated compatibility mode per this topic: https://easy-appointments.com/support/unable-to-delete-connections/ Still receiving error and they are not deleting.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Jennifer, sorry for waiting. I am not sure why is that an issue. Are there any error log record on your hosting regarding that? Also can you delete anything else like for example Appointment or Location from settings? Best regards, Nikola