Unable to make booking frontend (when not logged in)
Dear Nikola,
Your plugin is great! I have everything set and all is working perfect when i'm logged in at Wordpress.
But when not logged into wordpress, like my clients, they can’t enter their personal data after selecting car,date and time.
See this picture. The form cannot be filled in.
It seems there is a error message: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (BAD REQUEST)
Here the printscreen of the error: https://cl.ly/3f1d471c239e
It's strange i don't receive this error message when i'm logged in into wordpress. Logged into wordpress i can make the booking, including confirmation emails.
Can you please help me solve this problem?

2 Answers
Do you have any caching of that page? Looks like nonce has expired. In case of using caching of pages you will have to exclude that page from it or to turn off nonce check. But I will go with first option.
Best regards,
Hi Nikola, i found the problem on the backend: I enabled Auto Reservation. When i disable this button, it\'s working.
At the same time, i was testing some things and now i have a new problem. I added accidentally a new field, without any name. I want to delete this field, but it\'s giving me an error message. See below picture:
How can i delete this field?
Thank you so much for your help!
Best regards, Mark

Hi Mark, can you do it inside database directly. There is separate table for those custom fields called ea_meta_fields . Find it there and remove it. Most hosting have tool called PhpMyAdmin so you can use that one for doing that.
Best regards,
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