Unable to remove custom field

SupportUnable to remove custom field
j.c._de_vlaming Staff asked 7 years ago
I was trying to cleanup test fields for the EA-form, but when I click delete I only get 'Error on delete', and the form-entry-widget becomes inresponsive. I currently have no appointments with that field yet (if that should make a difference). I recently updated to the latest release, before that version I have not walkted into that probelm it, so I'm not sure when its introduced.
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, have you tried to turn on option called Compatibility mode inside EasyAppointments Settings > Customize . It's at to of the options list. Sometimes some server blocks such requests. Best regards, Nikola
j.c._de_vlaming Staff answered 7 years ago
I tried with Compatibility mode both 'on' and 'off' (with the refresh after changing), unfortunatly that doesn't solve the problem.
j.c._de_vlaming Staff replied 7 years ago

If it helps the field settings are the same as the default ‘description’ field (set when installing the plugin). In the sql-database everything is exactually the same, except for the validation column (which is empty instead of ‘NULL’). I do not suspect that it would make a difference, but in any case.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Thanks for the report. I will try locally to fix it. Have you managed to remove those from DB?

Best regards,

j.c._de_vlaming Staff replied 6 years ago

I haven’t yet, in case you needed a test-case. If you know what the problem is (e.i. don’t need a test case) I could finnish up and put the planning-app live.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

You can remove it, I will keep an eye on it. If something similar occurs.

Best regards,

j.c._de_vlaming Staff replied 6 years ago

I just succefully removed the field, but apparently I cannot edit any of the fields. Just an error message, no stacktrace (client or serverside).

j.c._de_vlaming Staff replied 6 years ago

*EDIT: there is an clientside error: `405 (Method Not Allowed)`. should say enough I think 😉

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Method Not Allowed should be fixed with Compatibility mode but you need to refresh page after save. Have you done that?

Best regards,

j.c._de_vlaming Staff replied 6 years ago

Yep, all is well.

Thanks for the fast reply