Unable to select the time slot and fill out form

SupportUnable to select the time slot and fill out form
CCandG Staff asked 2 years ago
Hello,  I am using your plugin for a Marriage Vow Ceremony, but after I set it up, I can see the time slots, but I'm unable to select them to fill out the form. If I go into the backend and select the "Turn off CSS" then I'm able to select them, but it looks like crap.  Here is the page in question: https://haddonfieldsculpture.org/celebration-of-love/ Can you let me know what you need in order to help me out? 
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 2 years ago
Hi, I have check and was able to select time slot. Can you please tell me do you still have that error? Is it on mobile phone when you try? Best regards, Nikola
gustaf_pretorius Staff answered 2 years ago
I have this problem too. The plugin was working before I added the extension. Server details: Variable Name Value Variable Name Value OS Linux Database Data Disk Usage 33.5 MiB Server Apache Database Index Disk Usage 17.7 MiB PHP v7.4.33 MYSQL Maximum Packet Size 16.0 MiB MYSQL v10.4.26-MariaDB-1:10.4.26+maria~deb10 MYSQL Maximum No. Connection 400 GD 2.3.3 MYSQL Query Cache Size unknown Server Hostname   PHP Short Tag On Server IP:Port PHP Max Script Execute Time 90s Server Document Root /usr/www/users/... PHP Memory Limit 256.0 MiB Server Date/Time 04/12/2022 @ 19:27 PHP Max Upload Size 64.0 MiB Server Load 19:27:18 up 27 days, 16:34, 0 users, load average: 1.36, 1.30, 1.16 1.36 PHP Max Post Size 64.0 MiB
gustaf_pretorius Staff replied 2 years ago

SOLVED: I fixed the problem. Everything is working as it should now.

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 2 years ago
Hi Gustaf, thanks for update. Can you please share what was the issue at the first place? Best regards, Nikola