unbale to add a booking on frontend

Supportunbale to add a booking on frontend
papmanou Staff asked 7 years ago
Hi guys,   I have cloned my website for a Acceptance purpose. https://www.puurhalle.com/afspraak is the production one https://www1.puurhalle.com/afspraak/ is for acceptance Booking is working on the production but not on acceptance ? I receive a Bad REQUEST (http 400) on acceptance. Could you please help finding what's going wrong ? I have tried to upgrade to the last version of EasyAppointment on ACC but no success.   Thanks in advance.   Manu        
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Manu, have you alter the site settings on that second one. You need to add new site url. Maybe it’s loading stuff from previous one.

Best regards,

1 Answers
papmanou Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Nikola,   Thank you for your answer but I have double checked all the settings and everything seems OK. The new website is not altered. I'm receiving the same error message as @Kwelch ( Something went wrong! Please try again. when submitting form.)   Thanks in advance   Papmanou