Undefined when setting appointment over Mobile

SupportUndefined when setting appointment over Mobile
markg Staff asked 2 years ago
2 Answers
markg Staff answered 2 years ago
Hi Nicola,
So sorry to bother you but I have been having this problem off and on, mostly on for quite some time. When I set an appointment over mobile phone at the end after clicking submit a pop-up returns the website name with the word "Undefined". I am posting an image of it. The url is https://www.SunStateHVAC.com/Request-Service-U-Schedule-It/ I'd appreciate any help or ideas you might have to help me fix it. Thank you and thank you for an awesome product.
markg Staff answered 2 years ago
Sorry I forgot to post the image:  https://www.sunstatehvac.com/13572/EA_Undefined.jpg