User confirmation emails not being sent

SupportUser confirmation emails not being sent
Katie Lawrance asked 4 years ago
Hi, I love this plugin but when I tick the box for users to receive confirmation emails once I have confirmed the booking, it doesn't work at all. Has this issue been fixed or am I missing something? It seems to be an ongoing issue by the looks of it! Please help! 
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Katie, can you please tell me if there are any errors inside EA Settings > Tools page? Best regards, Nikola
elkosx18 Staff answered 4 years ago
{\"wp_mail_failed\":{\"to\":[\"\"],\"subject\":\"Terminanfrage 4664 f\\u00fcr folgendes Datum 9. M\\u00e4rz 2021\",\"message\":\"<!DOCTYPE HTML>\\n<html lang=\\\"de\\\">\\n <head>\\n <meta http-equiv=\\\"Content-Type\\\" content=\\\"text\\/html;charset=UTF-8\\\">\\n <\\/head>\\n <body>\\n <p>Sehr geehrter Interesennt,<\\/p>\\n<p>danke f\\u00fcr Ihre Terminanfrage. Hiermit best\\u00e4tige ich Ihnen den Termin am 9. M\\u00e4rz 2021 um 16:45 bis 17:45<small>.<\\/small><\\/p>\\n<p>Falls Sie den Termin nicht wahrnehmen k\\u00f6nnen, sagen Sie ihn bitte bis zu 24 Stunden vorher ab, damit ich den Termin weiter vergeben kann.<\\/p>\\n<p>Ohne Absage ist der Termin kostenpflichtig. \\u00dcber den Link in dieser Email k\\u00f6nnen Sie den Termin stornieren, behalten sie daher am besten die Email f\\u00fcr alle F\\u00e4lle solange im Posteingang.<\\/p>\\n<p>Ihre Marion Lechner<\\/p>\\n<p>\\u00a0<\\/p>\\n<p>Stornolink <a href=\'https:\\/\\/\' target=\'_blank\'>https:\\/\\/<\\/a><\\/p>\\n <\\/body>\\n<\\/html>\",\"headers\":[],\"attachments\":[\"\\/kunden\\/552805_80804\\/webseiten\\/\\/wp-content\\/temp\\/EAC85912\\/appointment.ics\"],\"phpmailer_exception_code\":2}}
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, you need to add custom form field with email as a type and then try again. As I see it from that log {\”to\”:[\”\”]... it was not able to find email field. Best regards, Nikola
elkosx18 Staff replied 4 years ago

but I have an Type Email custom field. Just send you the login at the other thread about fullcalendar, Maybe you can check this too as I am wondering

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 4 years ago

I will take a look also regarding email field.

Best regards,