User Permissions – Editor

SupportUser Permissions – Editor
Josh Wood asked 7 years ago
Hi, I purchased this plugin and love it. One question... how do I get the plugin to show up in the sidebar in the backend dashboard for an editor. It only seems to show up in administrator permissions but I'd like to include it in the dashboard for editors. I have tried using user permission plugins, but none of them are working. Do you have any suggestions? Is there something hard coded into the plugin that is keeping this from being changed? Thanks for your help!!! -Josh
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Josh, it's now hardcoded for admins. If you want I can tell you what to change. At some point there will be Settings for that. Best regards, Nikola
contactovisual Staff replied 7 years ago


I would like to know that too. We have a staff person to handle appointments, and we need to give him access to manage only the appointments but no access to anything else in the wordpress backoffice admin.


Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Nelson, thank for the sharing. That feature is on the roadmap. 🙂

Best regards,

vmilkov Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Nikola,

We are facing the same issues. We installed the plugin but cannot use it because a third party will handle the appointments. We want to give to that party a permission just to enter that plugin, not the entire website. We do not know ho long you will make that feature but we have a running business. Could you tell me what you meant by “If you want I can tell you what to change”? Is there an alternative way to give user permissions just for the “Easy Appointments”?
Thank you very much

biosdi Staff replied 6 years ago

Very interested, too. Any update?? Thanks

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi, it's on top of the list. There will be separate page for that and also Vacation page for easy setup for vacation.   Best regards, Nikola
tom Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi, I’m also needing this feature. Editor role needs to use this plugin but not have access to the rest of the site admin. Could you advise on how to change in the meantime?


Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Tom inside admin.php file there is function called add_menu_pages. There you have ‘edit_posts’ capability so you can change that to level that you want. There is a list of all WP capabilities online 🙂

Best regards,

tom Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Nikola,

I have already tried this – the editor can see the menu item but the connections tab says “Table loading…” for the editor and does not display anything. Is there anything else I can add?


Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Tom, there is also one place to check inside src/ajax.php there is function called validate_access_rights and there you will have to lower to `edit_posts` access rights.

Best regards,

tom Staff replied 6 years ago

Nikola, that’s awesome thanks! (line 1084) for anyone else who needs to update this line.
Your email notifications say “Howdy Nikola Loncar,” by the way instead of the user you are emailing

bizbuzz Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Nikola,

I had previously read this string and we made some adjustments to allow an editor role to access the vacation feature. Perhaps I need to look at things again in the morning with fresh eyes but I’m not finding the settings to allow an editor to access the vacation view on the backend. I know how busy life can be but I’m curious of two things. First, you said three years ago that user access settings was at the top of the list but still nothing in the current version…any idea when that functionality will be added? Secondly, can you tell me how we can allow the editor role to access the vacation settings? Thanks much, great plugin but the user access settings really would be helpful.

zaher_alali Staff replied 3 years ago

Hello Nikola, I would also like to give access to the plugin for contributors that have the edit_posts capability. The admin.php file was indeed correct with edit_posts, and I have modified the src/ajax.php file.

However the user only sees the Appointments and Connect [BETA] menus. I’d like other menus to be available. How can this be done through editing the files? Thanks a lot!