Week header format

SupportWeek header format
subrico asked 5 years ago
Hello, and congrat for your work, since v2.14.3, we have day/week/month_header_format. Super !  But, for exemple in week view in full_calendar, I want DD MMM YYYY. It's fine at the top header (i.e. 20 - 26 juil 2020), but the header of each week is ddd MM/DD (Mon 07/20 or I want Mon 20/07). It's possible ?   Thanks
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi, it can be added also. Best regards, Nikola
f3rdal Staff answered 5 years ago
Unfortunately, I have the same problem. I would like, if I click week, that the format is weekday-name/day/month e.g. Mo 12/8 and not Mo 8/12. How can I do it.