What customizations are available to edit CSS?

SupportWhat customizations are available to edit CSS?
Marilynn Dawson asked 7 years ago
I had to turn off the customization css, and the form looks better, but before and after doing that, one blue button is blank. . ? What is it supposed to say?  It's beside the cancel button.  With formatting turned off, some of the elements are scrunched together.  What is the css code controlling that?  Once I know that I can edit it to have whatever spacing I want.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Marilynn, sorry for that missing text inside button it was a bug. It's fixed now in new version 1.8.28 so please update. Regarding styles looks like conflict between theme and plugin. Best way is to as you mention to turn off css from plugin and alter styles by hand. Best regards, Nikola
Venu Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Nikola,

Sorry to interrupt in the middle.
I am trying to change the position of input fields and forms designs html and css – is it allowed to fully customize in the pro version or is it same features in the demo.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Venu it’s the same. Extension do not have special customization.

Best regards,