Woocommerce, before and after blocks

SupportWoocommerce, before and after blocks
robert_mroczkowski Staff asked 3 years ago
I recently purchased extended version of your plugin, mostly because of Woocommerce integration, yet when I did same as in your youtube tutorial (bind service with product, select date and time then click submit) no redirection to woocommerce checkout occured. Also tried option "add products to cart on Appointment creation". Firstly no popup/info showed that the "product" was added to cart, secondly when I paid for selected appointment via WC checkout, calendar slots were not updated, nor anything was added to Appointments table in backend (checked with payment status: processing, pending, confirmed).  Also I'm having hard time with before and after blocks. For example on Saturday school organises 60min courses, first at 12.00 and second at 14.00. In order to do that I created Service whith following parameters: duration 60min, slot step 60, block after 60, then created connection where time was set to 12.00 - 16.00. Then why calendar shows  13.00 and 15.00 as bookable? Shouldn't it be the span after course, like a break time? Am I doing something wrong? Lastly I found a bug which is a missing jquery.inputmask.js in both free and paid versions. After enqueuing the script in functions.php, console shows no more errors. Best regards, Robert
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi Robert for redirect after booking you will have to fill out redirect url inside EA Settings page. For the time issue thing can you please tell me what is the current settings how busy slots are calculated inside EA Settings > General page? For inputmask error do you have any caching engine there? Best regards, Nikola
robert_mroczkowski Staff answered 3 years ago
Thank you for quick response. In Settings>Form Style & Redirect \"Go to page\" field I put url to WC cart page, as well as checked \"add products to cart on Appointment creation\" and it redirects to proper page, although after payment being confirmed EA plugin still shows \"pending\" status.   In field \"Busy slots are calculated by same\" option \"Worker, Location and service\" is selected.   No caching plugin is running on my WP (EA extended version), nor on localhost WP (EA free version).   Best regards, Robert
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi by having busy option are calculated by same Location, Worker and Service means that will only consider same service location and worker as busy. For example you have one person providing two types of services on same location. If someone book service 1 from that worker it will be available for service 2 in same time slot. Is that what you are looking for? If you set to be that only worker in options then when someone books service 1 it will be busy for service 2 because it is same worker. Best regards, Nikola