woocommerce connector not working

Supportwoocommerce connector not working
bestcashmere Staff asked 8 years ago
just installed the plugin and woocommerce extension.   user is not taken to woocommerce cart after she hits submit button
8 Answers
bestcashmere Staff answered 8 years ago
Could Nikola please look into this?
bestcashmere Staff replied 8 years ago

is there no support available for paid connector?

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago
Hi, sorry for waiting. Have you connected services with particular products from WooCommerce? Best regards, Nikola
bestcashmere Staff answered 8 years ago
yes..we have  
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago
Hi, can you please send me the link to that page with EA form? Best regards, Nikola
bestcashmere Staff replied 8 years ago

you want me to post it here?

bestcashmere Staff answered 8 years ago
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago


I have just created test appointment. Looks like you have missing settings for the redirect. Inside settings there is a option for redirect after customer finish with creating an appointment. It's called Go to page inside Settings > Customize page. Put there url part of cart page, in your case you should be set there /cart/ value.

Also one more tip. Add this style to custom style option on the same page:

.time-row { white-space: normal; }

That will prevent from having all the time slot's in single row. :)

Best regards,

bestcashmere Staff answered 8 years ago
Thanks Nikola..it is working now   Is there anyway to add more space between the header and appointment form. I would also like to add some text at the top of the page. Is that possible?
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago

You're welcome, regarding space you can add anything that you want before shortcode. For example (raw) :


<p>Some text line 1</p>
<p>Some text line 2</p>


Best regards,