works for Classes reservation?

Supportworks for Classes reservation?
rashid asked 4 years ago

I'm looking for a plugin to book classes (science, Math, etc). I am looking for a plugin where each teacher has their administration area and can add their work hours and hours that do not accept work, their price per hour, and can see, accept or reject class reservations.
A reservation is generally for a few hours a day.
Also the reservation can be for one or more people and the price changes according to the number of people.
And finally, that whoever received the class can rate the quality of the service she received from the teacher. I'm not sure if your plugin feets my needs.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Rashid, there are some options that are missing in EA that you want. Like selecting number of people that will be on reservation. Also handling own working hours is not available. But that is something that we are planning to offer in feature. Best regards, Nikola