WPML compatibility

SupportWPML compatibility
nbatteur Staff asked 4 years ago
Hi, First thank you so much for this plugin. I have some issues with the localization of some string with WPML :
  1. In the front-end form, it's impossible to translate :
  • Location, Worker and services.
  • Can't translate some custom fields (Select, Placeholder of textarea, ...)
  • And the GDPR label + message
2. It's impossible to translate e-mails. I saw a post on this forum, you said you can do it but it pays off. How much do you estimate this work for? Best regards, Nicolas
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, regarding 1. you want to translate name of Service and Location? Regarding 2. price I have replied in that topic :)   Best regards, Nikola 
nbatteur Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Nikola,

Thank you for this quick response. I reflect and get back to you quickly.

Best regards,

nbatteur Staff answered 4 years ago
You can see below the fields which cannot be translated :